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The Article



Select 'All,' or limit verbs by Type/Tense/Voice/Mood below.






Select 'All,' or limit participles by Type/Tense below.




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Level 1: Nouns, Adjectives, the Article

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    Level 2: Pronouns

       Select Quiz to Complete

      Level 3: More Nouns, Adjectives

         Select Quiz to Complete

        Level 4: Indicative Verbs

           Select Quiz to Complete

          Level 5: More Indicative Verbs

             Select Quiz to Complete

            Level 6: Regular Participles

               Select Quiz to Complete

              Level 7: Subjunctive & Imperative Verbs & Infinitives

                 Select Quiz to Complete

                Level 8: -μι & εἰμί Verbs & Participles

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                  In the works

                  Create assignments for your students, and get reports on their completion.

                  You will be able to create an assignment for your students and:

                  Your students will get the parsing practice that they need, and your grading work will be made easier at the same time!

                  Please contact us if you would like to work with us to create quizzes for your students. E-mail Dr. Hoskins at [email protected].

                  Stay tuned for more enhancements.

                  Dr. Paul Hoskins: Spring 2016 Textbooks

                  Exegetical Method

                  Basic New Testament I

                  Use of the OT in the NT Seminar

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                  Privacy Policy

                  Master Greek is a parsing app designed for students of Biblical Greek (Koine Greek). It can give you practice parsing all different parts of speech. As a result, you will be able to translate Greek texts accurately without having to look up every form using available parsing tools.

                  This app was designed by Paul and Cheryl Hoskins. Dr. Paul Hoskins has taught Greek since 2001 privately and at two schools, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, TX and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, IL. He has seen that parsing is a key to learning Greek and using it to study the New Testament. He co-created this tool to help people learn Greek and to refresh their Greek long after their Greek classes are over.

                  Dr. Hoskins knows little about programming, but his wife is a programming whiz. She is responsible for developing this app and continues to make improvements on it. Due to this app project, Cheryl has been learning Greek (which Paul likes) and Paul has been learning to appreciate the work that goes into programming (which Cheryl likes). So, two people have already benefitted from this app and they hope that you will benefit from it as well. May God bless you as you study his Word in Greek. Happy parsing!

                  If you would like to contact us with questions or comments, please e-mail Dr. Hoskins at [email protected].

                  We are currently making MasterGreek available to users for free. It is supported by ads and Amazon links. If it is able to support itself by these methods, we will be able to continue to offer it for free.

                  Dr. Hoskins has worked hard to create a list of books that he thinks will be useful to our users. Take a moment to check them out.

                  The best way to support the website is to use it, and take note of the books we recommend. If they are interesting to you, please click on the link and buy the book. A portion of whatever you buy on Amazon (whether it is the book you clicked on, a different book, a pillow, or a set of tools) will support this website.
